About Sarah

I became interested in art as a very small child, mainly working with good old Crayolas and Xerox paper right up through middle school. I took my first metalsmithing course in my junior year of high school, and fell in love very quickly with the versatility of the material and the many possibilities for expression in metals. In 2014 I received a BFA in Integrative Studio Practice (General Fine Arts) from Herron School of Art and Design, with minors in art history and creative writing. As part of this interdisciplinary program, I focused in three areas: printmaking, drawing, and jewelry design and metalsmithing. Four years later, in 2018, I received an MFA from Texas Tech University with a primary focus in Jewelry Design and Metalsmithing, a secondary focus in Printmaking, and a certificate in Art History and Criticism. My work has been shown in several national exhibitions, and two pieces, Hi-Lo and Reflect, are in the permanent collection of The Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation in Chicago, IL. In 2021 I was one of several Indiana-based artists chosen for the Indiana Arts Commission’s Creative Entrepreneur Online Accelerator Cohort, which includes a three-day arts entrepreneurship course and a grant. Since completing my MFA, I have returned to Indiana to pursue studio art full-time.

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